Independent Exploration
A space for curiosity and individual stories to become physical environments.
Southern Desert Airbnb
To create an ecosystem of heritage for a vacation destination. Southern Desert is a combination of one central location to be in community with, while being surrounded by three rental homes inspired by the illusion of family lineage.
Color Theory
A color theory approach to picking the rental color scheme. Colors visually analyzed from the family heirloom rug and matched to colors in the Munsell color wheel.
Vasquez Familia
Nicholas is the farmer in the traditional sense of farming. His story represents the rental number one.
Victor the son of Nicholas is a flower field farmer. He prefers the nature side of farming and all the colors they flourish with. His story represents the rental number two.
Noelle is the daughter of Victor. The future looks different for her. Her grandfather Nicholas holds out for the third generation farmer. Her story represents rental number three.